Our Story
The Forager Story
Hi, I’m Dion Fleay, the proud owner of Forager Superfoods, a 100% Australian owned company. Having grown up as a part of a farming family in country Western Australia, like many country kids, I spent many an hour foraging local bushlands. Favourite memories involve times spent scouring farm paddocks for wild field mushrooms, tracking wild bees for honey and trekking local scrub for the prized native quandong. This deep connection with the country, the bush and it’s native wholefoods is something that still resonates with me today.
I have been fortunate enough to have travelled to many parts of the world, in search of these fabled foods, more commonly known as ‘Superfoods’. Sourcing these superfoods from their native countries and regions from across the world has become a passion. Some in fact, from our very own backyard in Australia!

Forager Superfoods is here to make a difference. Having partnered with Australian Cancer Research Foundation we are committed to donating $1 from every order to back brilliant cancer research. We are invested in supporting ACRF’s vision of one day reaching a world without cancer.
I hope that you will join me, as a fellow forager, on our journey to improving health, wellness and performance outcomes for all Australians.

Dion Fleay - Owner